
i love gintama. it’s very parody, humorous, and damn sarcastic.

gintama (銀魂) meant silver soul and also meant kintama (金卵) meant golden eggs (or testicle)

all of the chapter name were very neat so i would like to write them down here.

“Do you have a silver soul!?”
“Temeraaaa!! Soredemo Gintama tsuiten no kaaaa” (てめーらァァァ!!それでも銀魂ついてんのかァァァ)

“There ain’t bad guys among those with natural perms”
“Tennen pāma ni warui yatsu wa inai” (天然パーマに悪い奴はいない)

“Beware that Jump Magazine will come out on Saturday”
“JUMP wa tokidoki doyō ni deru kara ki o tsukero” (ジャンプは時々土曜にでるから気をつけろ)

“Make friends that you can call by nicknames forever”
“Jijii ni nattemo adana de yobiaeru tomodachi o tsukure” (ジジィになってもあだ名で呼び合える友達を作れ)

“Keep a promise, even if it did kill you”
“Ichido shita yakusoku wa shindemo mamore” (一度した約束は死んでも守れ)

“A pet’s owners must take care of their pets till the end”
“Petto wa kainushiga sekinin o motte saigo made mendō o mimashō” (ペットは飼い主が責任をもって最後まで面倒を見ましょう)

“The difference between tenacity and persistence is just a paper thin”
“Nebarizuyosa to shitsukosa wa kamihitoe” (粘り強さとしつこさは紙一重)

“Fighting should be ended by fists”
“Kenka wa gū de yarubeshi” (喧嘩はグーでやるべし)

“When you’re tired eat something sour”
“Tsukareta toki wa suppai mono o” (疲れたときは酸っぱいものを)

“Mashed dungo cannot be called a dungo”
“Becha becha shita dango nantena dango jane bakayarō” (べちゃべちゃした団子なんてなァ団子じゃねぇバカヤロー)

“One with a good impression may not a good person”
“Daiichi inshō ga ii yatsu ni roku na yatsu wa inai” (第一印象がいい奴にロクな奴はいない)

“If you did cosplay, made it by heart”
“Kosupure suru nara kokoro made kazare” (コスプレするなら心まで飾れ)

“Boys have a weird rule like touching a frog meant being adult”
“Otoko ni wa kaeru ni sawarete ichininmae mitai na wake no wakaranai rūru ga aru” (男にはカエルに触れて一人前みたいな訳のわからないルールがある)

“You can wash your armpits, just only armpits”
“Waki dake arattokya iin dayo waki dake” (脇だけ洗っときゃいいんだよ脇だけ)

“Owner and his pet are alike”
“Kainushi to petto wa niru” (飼い主とペットは似る)

“When realize that life gets longer when you turn old! Scary!!”
“Kangaetara jinseitte ossan ni natte kara no hō ga nagaijane-ka! kowa!!” (考えたら人生ってオッさんになってからの方が長いじゃねーか!怖っ!!)

“fathers and sons always share the bad behave”
“Oyakotte no wa kirai na tokobakari niru mon da” (親子ってのは嫌いなとこばかり似るもんだ)

“Our home is the best”
“Aa yappari wagayaga ichiban da wa” (ああやっぱり我が家が一番だわ)

“Why is the sea so salty? That’s because you city folks use it as a toilet!”
“Umi ga naze shoppai dato? Ome-ra tokaijin ga oyoginagara yō tashiteku kara darō-gaaa” (海がなぜしょっぱいだと?オメーら都会人が泳ぎながら用足してくからだろーがァァ)

“Beware of the conveyor belt”
“Beruto konbea ni wa ki o tsukero” (ベルトコンベアには気をつけろ)

“If you are a man, try the swordfish”
“Otoko nara toriaezu kajiki” (男ならとりあえずカジキ)

“Sleep with the fan on will risk a stomachaches”
“Senpūki tsukeppanashide neruto onaka kowashichau kara ki o tsukete” (扇風機つけっぱなしで寝るとおなか壊しちゃうから気をつけて)

“Marriage means a lifetime misunderstandings”
“Kekkon to wa kanchigai o isshōgai shitsuzukeru koto da” (結婚とは勘違いを一生涯し続けることだ)

“In troubled times, make  laugh louder”
“Komatta toki wa warattoke warattoke” (困ったときは笑っとけ笑っとけ)

“A pretty face is always hiding something”
“Kawaii kao ni wa kanarazu nanikaga kakureteru” (カワイイ顔には必ず何かが隠れてる)

“Nabe pot is something representing life”
“Nabe wa jinsei no shukuzu de aru” (鍋は人生の縮図である)

“Don’t be shy, raise your hand and speak up”
“Hazukashi garazu ni te o agete ie” (恥ずかしがらずに手を挙げて言え)

“There are things you cannot cut by sword”
“Katana ja kirenai mono ga aru” (刀じゃ斬れないものがある)

“Even though good things don’t happen repeatedly, bad things do”
“Ii koto wa renzoku shite okoranai kuse ni warui koto wa renzoku shite okoru mon da” (いい事は連続して起こらないけせに悪いことは連続して起こるもんだ)

“Don’t panic! There’s something called “cool-off””
“Awateruna! Kūringu ofu to iu mono ga aru” (慌てるな!クーリングオフというものがある)

“Watch TV or read the newspaper carefully”
“Terebi toka shinbun toka chanto minaito damedatte” (テレビとか新聞とかちゃんと見ないとダメだって)

“Even Idols did all the same you did”
“Aidoru datte hobo omaera to onaji koto yattendayo” (アイドルだってほぼお前らと同じ事やってんだよ)

“The things that seem not matter are the things you hardly forget.”
“Dōdemoii koto ni kagitte nakanaka wasurenai” (どうでもいい事に限ってなかなか忘れない)

“Life flows like a conveyor belt.”
“Jinsei wa beruto konbea no yōni nagareru” (人生はベルトコンベアのように流れる)

“It’s rude to call others’ name wrong.”
“Hito no namae to ka machigaeru no shitsurei da” (人の名前とか間違えるの失礼だ)

“You need no manual for love.”
“Koi ni manyuaru nante iranai” (恋にマニュアルなんていらない)

“People with scars on legs talk a lot.”
“Sune ni kizu ga aruyatu hodo yoku shaberu” (すねに傷がある奴ほどよくしゃべる)

“The persons who say no such thing as Santa are whom believe there is.”
“Santa nante inēndayotte iiharu yatsu koso honto ha irutte shinjitaindayo” (サンタなんていねーんだよって言い張る奴こそホントはいるって信じたいんだよ)

“No problem gone by only hit the bell, Solve them by yourself.”
“Bonnō ga kane de kieru kaaa onore de seigyo shiro onore de” (煩悩が鐘で消えるかァァ己で制御しろ己で)

“Only children play in the snow.”
“Yuki de hashagu no kodomo dake” (雪ではしゃぐの子供だけ)

“Restaurants that have lots of choices usually not so popular.”
“Menyū ga ōi rāmen’ya wa taitei hayattenai” (メニューが多いラーメン屋はたいてい流行ってない)

“Don’t make plans when go with children.”
“Kozukuri wa keikaku teki ni” (子作りは計画的に)

“You won’t know what a movie is by just looking at the title.”
“Taitoru dakeja eiga no omoshirosa wa wakannai” (タイトルだけじゃ映画の面白さはわかんない)

“A worm drown if you pee on it.”
“Mimizu ni oshikko kakeru to hareruyo” (ミミズにおしっこかけると腫れるよ)

“You can tell which draw characters are, just by looking at their silhouettes.”
“Kyarakutā wa shiruetto dake de dokusha ni miwakega tsukuyōni kakimashō” (キャラクターはシルエットだけで読者に見分けがつくように描きましょう)

“Since it ended too quick, we’re starting the next one.”
“Nanka hayaku owachatta node jikai no hanashi o hajimechau” (なんか早く終わっちャったので次回の話をはじめちゃう)

“Mother is busy, so stop complaining about what we have on dinner.”
“Okāsan datte isogashiin dakara yūhan no menyū ni monku tsukeru no yamenasai” (お母さんだって忙しいんだから夕飯のメニューに文句つけるの止めなさい)

“Walk your beloved dog with the easy speed.”
“Aiken no sanpo wa tekido na supīdo de” (愛犬の散歩は適度なスピードで)

“Save the sex til you’re twenty.”
“XX asobi wa hatachi ni natte kara” (XX遊びは20歳になってから)

“Can cherries become sakura blossom trees?”
“Sakuranbotte are sakura no kini naruno?” (さくらんぼってアレ桜の木になるの?)

“Those whom are alike, always fight.”
“Niteru futari wa kenka suru” (似てる二人は喧嘩する)

“A life without gambling is like sushi without wasabi.”
“Gyanburu no nai jinsei nante wasabi nuki no sushi mitē na monda” (ギャンブルのない人生なんてわさび抜きの寿司みてぇなもんだ)