Life is a hang-over, sometimes it has been spoiled and many times to repair the damage. In the world of human affairs, indulgence and corruption grow like weeds in an untended garden; they must be faced squarely, and rooted out through bold action. Eliminating the carelessness which often leads to corruption is one of the most ennobling of all human enterprises, and can clear the way for fresh, new beginnings.
Correcting the mistakes of the past is not an easy task, especially if one does not recognize the gravity of the situation. The time has come to become lean and efficient. The weeds must be rooted out now, before the whole garden is lost. Fighting decay, sloppiness and corruption is not a simple matter; all steps must be evaluated carefully, and planning must precede action. Resist the temptation to strike out prematurely. Gather strength behind you, and marshall your inner resources, because arresting decay is no simple matter. When you do act, make your strike as precise and clear as the path of the surgeon's knife.