because all of the opportunity that i will move all my gtd system from evernote to google keep, i hereby write all my experience about trying with other note system and the tagged for later reference.
1. evernote, in my opinion for the version in last year, for me; very good in every way for GTD. for more update for worse it was.
2. simplenote, good, fast, the bad is only notes cannot organized much and quite closed to their own system.
3. DTG GTD, no cloud no sync. if you delete the app, nothing left.
4. one note, nightmare of the organize systems, it’s only clipboard with heartbreaking organize.
5. i try .xls on dropbox. after a while that one is never in my mind again.
for trying google keep this time, i wrote all the simple rule of tagged to determine what to use.
here is some rules following 7WHs.
when using : before time manner
where using @ before place manner
who/whom/whose using + before person manner
why using * before description manner
how using – before sub reason or bullet point
what is always the title itself
which always in the detail of that tagged
for customers use $ before customer name
for *nextaction in project for next action
for project name use & before project name