Proposol work for transition Part I

Now, the problems of Piracy is more and more serious.

The license cost, maintenance and all other make the TCO (total cost of operation) higher and higher.

So now I wil recomended some strategics for this.

1. still on Windows Based System;

This is the easiest way; but may not the best way to cut all the TOC;

1.1 firstly check which program you need, which may not.

1.1.1 Microsoft Windows XP itself; Home or Pro?

1.1.2 Microsoft Office; which version and which component you need?

1.1.3 Graphics tools ACDsee Photoshop Illustrator

1.1.34 Winzip, Winrar and other Power DVD AutoCAD.

that’s all?

If not list all of the software you must use;

for the unnecessary one, eliminate them.

It’s the office use not the test system.

You need antivirus?

May be, or may be not, it’s dependable on what program you are using.

Remember; list all the program you need first. this is the first step of all.

-Cont’d next time.

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