from GTD to Bullet Journal

first time that I knew about document Taxonomy was when I doing librarian intern in High school, I learn both DDC (Dewey Decimal Classification) and UDC (Universal Decimal Classification) in those they I understand how important of index cards. that memory quite skim after finished engineering bachelor, I found Engineering method quite better classification, but by the way still formal and not on everyday use; hence those time using computer thus by far not this frequent thing to do.

While working at AIS, Ericsson has introduce their method of document organize and sorting, that the very first time I understand that memo, and document sorting related. Email for me was new and not that frequent as memo and assignment.

To the day near modern GTD (Getting things done) by David Allen change some of my old paradigm. just not what to do but what all inside yours should be classified. by the time Evernote is the good notebook software, I was using this for a long period, but declined while the Evernote neither. Try to move to Google Keep, One note, or others but none be good enough to. found that both GTD and Evernote such a good pair.

After that I try to note the journal by DIY ring notebook. It was pretty good ideas. the bad part was I am too know myself too well and make the diaries so large and hard to carry daily…..

by the time I found Bullet Journal method cannot remember exact date, but as I see on the day I order Deli’s ring notebook. was on August 2019 in case you interesting in that here is it.

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